GoExcel Warehouse is a cloud based software, part of the GoExcel Logistics solution that is helping Logistics company to efficiently running your warehouse as 3PL and cargo consolidation, for import and export.
a) Job Sheet
An overview of the warehouse operation job to capture the incoming cargo information.
b) Incoming Goods Receipt
2 steps operation with Inward Tally Sheet and Storage Operation
c) Outgoing Delivery
2 steps operation with Picklist and Delivery Order.
d) Printing
Printing of the Tally Sheet, Pick List and Delivery Order, and for warehouse operation to manual fill in.
e) Stock Card Report
Generate the report to view Stock In and Out for your customer.
f) Inventory Report
Overview of the customer stock quantity and location.
g) Barcode Scanning
Allow to use the Mobile Chrome in the smartphone to scan the barcode for Goods Receipt.
h) Automate Warehouse billing
Generate the customer invoices based on the storage by volume (M3) and no of days.
Job Sheet to be entered by the Operation user.
Tally Sheet (Inward)
Stock Card Report